Unlit plastic facade letters and logos make the company recognisable to an outsider and help to communicate the house style. It is a sustainable way of advertising, because a well-constructed facade advertising will last for years. With facade advertising, the choice is made to place the name and logo of the company on the facade.
Unique features
- Wide range of colours and sizes
- Higher light transmission than glass
- Unbeatably bright
About Acrylic for facade letters & logos
Thanks to the ease of processing, acrylic is suitable for all possible advertising expressions on a facade. In addition, Amari Plastics has an extensive range of colurs and sizes. Acrylic is the best choice for facade letters with an elegant appearance. Polishing acrylic gives it an extra luxurious look that cannot be achieved with any other material.
LED lighting
Unique features
- Excellently recognisable from a distance
- Good lighting during the night hours
- Lower energy costs
- Easy to install
- Low maintenance costs thanks to longer service life
About LED for Facade Letters & Logos
LED lighting is an experience and gives the feeling of safety. Together with our suppliers, we have been active for many years in the field of professional lighting for facades. Whether it concerns shop lighting, sofa lighting or facade lighting, we take the most energy-efficient lighting and the latest lighting technologies into account when drawing up an LED lighting plan and any customised lighting advice. We determine what kind of LED lighting your facade needs to optimise your brand and the experience of your customers and visitors.
Unieke kenmerken
- Weer- en UV-bestendig
- Intensief bewerkbaar
- Eén zijde mat, andere zijde glans
Over Vinesse voor Gevelletters & -logo's
Voor gevelletters en gevellogo’s is Vinesse een verantwoorde keuze. Het Vinesse plaat programma is namelijk speciaal voor dit toepassingsgebied ontwikkeld. Naast de voordelen van Acrylaat biedt Vinesse nog meer. Het is namelijk minder gevoelig voor beschadigingen waardoor intensieve bewerkingen zoals freeswerk zonder risico mogelijk zijn. Vinesse platen worden geleverd met één matte zijde en één glanzende zijde. Vinesse platen zijn lichtdicht en speciaal gepigmenteerd en Vink houdt een voorraadprogramma van 8mm platen beschikbaar in 16 kleuren. Daarnaast levert Vink ook 18mm Vinesse platen in de kleuren zwart en wit.
About PVC Foam for Facade Letters & Logos
PVC foam is characterised by its many application possibilities. Because it is a real all-round advertising poster, it is also extremely suitable for facade letters & logos. Thanks to the foamed core, it is 50% lighter than its solid counterparts. This foamed sheet is coloured throughout, so there's no colour difference in the edges and sides after processing. It is also UV stabilised as standard, however, Amari Plastics recommends finishing coloured sheets for outdoor use with an extra UV protective varnish.
Aluminium composite
Unique features
- Strong, stiff and light
- Flat surface, UV-resistant polyester coating
- Long-lasting gloss and colour fastness
About aluminium composite for facade letters and logos
If preference is given to aluminum facade decoration, this material is excellent to use. This aluminum composite sheet with a polyethylene core is very strong but at the same time lightweight. It is treated on both sides with a UV-resistant polyester lacquer. As a result it has a durable gloss and colour fastness and it is also easy to print. In addition, It is very easy to work with and mould.